Selected Research and Writing

I recommend starting with the bolded pieces.


Lana Swartz. 2020. New Money: How Payment Became Social Media, Yale University Press

Bill Maurer and Lana Swartz, editors. 2017. Paid: Tales of Dongles, Checks, and Other Money Stuff. MIT Press.


Lana Swartz. 2021. "Theorizing the 2017 ICO Bubble as a Network Scam." New Media and Society

Lana Swartz. 2021. "Bitcoin as Meme and a Future." Noema.

Doing Money Technology

Lana Swartz and Vivian Dzkoto. 2023. "COVID Relief as 'Dangerous Money' for Black Business Owners" Journal of Cultural Economy.

Parker Bach and Lana Swartz. 2022. "Making Money Public: The Journalistic Construction of the Paycheck Protection Program" International Journal of Communication.

Lana Swartz. 2022. "In Praise of the Dollar Bill." MIT Tech Review.

Lana Swartz in conversation with Martin Zeilinger. 2020. "The Power of Revealing Invisible Economic Infrastructures." Radical Care: Embracing Feminist Finance , edited by Cristina Ampatzidou and Ania Molenda, Amateur Cities and Institute of Network Culture

Taylor Nelms, Bill Maurer, Lana Swartz, and Scott Mainwaring. 2017. "Social Payments: Innovation, Trust, Bitcoin, and the Sharing Economy," Theory, Culture and Society.

Lana Swartz. 2014. "Gendered Transactions: Identity and Payment at Mid-century." Women's Studies Quarterly, Special Issue: Debt, 43(1&2) 137-153.

Lana Swartz. 2013. "Goodbye, Wallet! Towards a Transactional Geography of Mobile Payment." Media Fields Journal, Special Issue: Data/Space, 6.

Lana Swartz and David Stearns. March 2019. "Money and its Technologies in the Modern Era." History of Money: The Modern Era, edited by Taylor Nelms and David Peterson. Bloomsbury Press.

Lana Swartz. April 2017. "Cards." Paid: Tales of Dongles, Checks, and Other Money Stuff , edited by Bill Maurer and Lana Swartz. MIT Press.

Bill Maurer and Lana Swartz. 2017. "On Cash and Stuff." Socializing Finance. Three part blog series:

Bill Maurer and Lana Swartz. 2015. "The Wild, Wild West of Payment." The MoneyLab Reader , edited by Geert Lovink and Nate Tkacz. Institute of Network Culture, Amsterdam.

Lana Swartz and Bill Maurer. 2014. "The Future of Money-like Things." The Atlantic.

Lana Swartz. 2012. "A Dispatch from the Future (of Money and Technology)." Cultural Anthropology, Special Supplement: Theorizing the Contemporary - Finance.

Lana Swartz and Liana Gamber Thompson. 2010. "Financial Literacy as Media Literacy." Civic Paths.

Lana Swartz. 2010. "Ghoulish ATMs, It's a Wonderful Bank, and Bloody Valentines: Personal Finance as Civic Communication." Civic Paths.

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Ann Brody, Jenn Mentanko, Peter Chow-White, Lana Swartz. 2025. “Web3 and Communication" Oxford Bibliographies.

Lana Swartz and Carola Westermeier. 2023. “The money tree: Exploring central bank digital currency blockchain imaginaries.” Anthropology Today 39: 13-16.

Neha Narula, Lana Swartz, and Julie Frizzo-Barker. 2023. Expanding Financial Inclusion or Deepening the Divide? Exploring CBDC Design Choices that Could Make a Difference

Neha and Narula and Lana Swartz. 2023. "Central Bank Digital Currency? How money could be redesigned." World Economic Forum.

Lana Swartz. 2021. "Theorizing the 2017 ICO Bubble as a Network Scam." New Media and Society

Lana Swartz. 2021. "Bitcoin as Meme and a Future." Noema.

My research extensively featured in Alexandre Pólvora, Anna Hakami, and Erica Bol, editors, Scanning the European Eco-system of Distributed Ledger Technologies for Social and Public Good: What, Why, Where, How, and Ways to Move Forward, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020.

Lana Swartz. 2020. "Starbucks, Libra, and the Boring Future of Money." Just Money, edited by Christine Desan, Harvard Law School.

Nancy Baym, Lana Swartz, and Andrea Alarcon. 2019. Convening Technologies: Blockchain and the Music Industry. International Journal of Communication

Lana Swartz. 2018. "What was Bitcoin, what will it be? The techno-economic imaginaries of a new money technology." Cultural Studies .

Lana Swartz. 2017. "Blockchain Dreams: Imagining techno-economic alternatives after Bitcoin." Another Economy is Possible , edited by Manuel Castells. Polity Press.

Lana Swartz and Kevin Driscoll. 2016. "The Lonely Old Bitcoin Miner Touches Eternity: Or, What is a Peer?" King's Review . Cambridge University.

Bill Maurer, Taylor Nelms, and Lana Swartz. 2013. "'When perhaps the real problem is money itself!': The Practical Materiality of Bitcoin." Social Semiotics, Special Issue: Charting, Tracking, and Mapping: New Technologies, Labor, and Surveillance, 23(2), 261-277.

Other Stuff

Kjerstin Thorson, Kevin Driscoll, Brian Ekdale, Stephanie Edgerly, Liana Gamber-Thompson, Andrew Schrock, Lana Swartz, Emily Vraga, and Chris Wells. 2013. "YouTube, Twitter, and the Occupy Movement: Connecting Content and Circulation Practices." Information, Communication and Society 16(3), 421-451.

Lana Swartz and Kevin Driscoll. 2014. "'I hate your politics but I love your diamonds': Citizenship and the Off-topic Message Board Sub-forum." DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media, edited by Megan Boler and Matt Ratto. MIT Press.

Alison Trope and Lana Swartz. 2011. "Visual Culture Primer of the Occupation." Civic Paths.

Lana Swartz. 2011. "Invisible Children: Transmedia, Storytelling, Mobilization." Civic Paths Research Group Working Paper. University of Southern California. PI: Henry Jenkins